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The Vocational Training Institute for Railway Trades in Central Africa

previously SOCARREMA FORMATION created in 2015 was born from the will of former expert railwaymen at the head of which Mr. MOUNTANG Theophile who, having noted:
     - The lack of continuity in the railway training programs in our region for about 30 years (that is, since the closure of the subregional training school for railway workers in 1990).
     - The limit of qualified personnel recruitment policies.
     - The lack of qualified labor that disrupts the planning and execution of major projects (Example: Nanga-Eboko - Batchenga 2013/2020).
     They are resolved with dedication to pass on to the younger generation, the knowledge accumulated along their rich and long careers.


The CEMAC zone is made up of states in full development; mass transport by rail is therefore essential for this purpose and that is why most of the states in this zone have a short-term or long-term plan. IMEFAC therefore proposes to train and provide a qualified workforce on the railway market and to strengthen the capacities and skills for the staff in activity, In order to interest young people in railway trades; and especially those of the localities bordering the route being operated and those in project, a special strategy will be put in place to accentuate communication and facilitate access to training with the aim of involving all Cameroonians of both sexes in the vast modernization, construction and maintenance site of the railways of Cameroon; The training concerns young Cameroonians or not, of both ( 02) sexes.

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